Hi, I am Christoph!

A software engineer with a passion for webtechnologies, especially frontend development. Currently I like to use TypeScript, React, SolidJS, VueJS, and TailwindCSS.

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Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my personal website. My name is Christoph and I'm a software developer, data scientist, and tech enthusiast. I'm always looking to learn new things and push myself to be the best I can be, and this website is a way for me to share my journey with you.

On this site, you'll find out a little bit more about me and what I'm interested in. I'm really passionate about using technology to solve problems and make people's lives better, which is why I've chosen to work in the tech industry. I've got a solid foundation in computer science and I'm skilled in a bunch of different programming languages and tools.

I hope you find something interesting here and that you'll stick around for a while. Whether you're a tech enthusiast like me, a potential employer, or just someone who stumbled upon my website by accident, I'm glad you're here. If you've got any questions or just want to chat, don't hesitate to reach out. You can connect with me on LinkedIn.