Hi, I am Christoph!

A software engineer with a passion for webtechnologies, especially frontend development. Currently I like to use TypeScript, React, SolidJS, VueJS, and TailwindCSS.

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About Me

I started software development at the age of 13. It quickly became a passion for me and I started to code my first small projects and websites. I found most interest in websites. These days they were still developed with HTML frame sets and some very basic PHP scripts.

I kept doing PHP and also used it in some internships I did. After finishing an IT specialized business school and doing a German apprenticeship, I started my first job as TYPO3-developer (a popular PHP-based CMS-system). I even published some small extensions on the TYPO3 extension gallery. Later on, I switched job to a more generalized PHP full-stack engineer. After working multiple years, I decided to quit and go traveling for a while. Then when coming back to Germany, I moved to Berlin where I started to studying at HTW Berlin, a little later I started working as a frontend engineer in part-time. During my studies, I also found interest in developing methods of artificial intelligence with neural networks. Later I focused more on methods of bioinformatics, studying the creation of pipelines for next generation sequencing data.

I always liked keeping up to date with current websites development practices. My main interest is the frontend part. I used many frameworks like Angular, React, VueJS, Svelte,SolidJS and Tailwind CSS. As well as meta frameworks like Next.js, Remix, and SvelteKit.